Settings file
Detailed explanation of the Settings.yml file.
The Settings.yml file is used to control functionalities of Autorank. You might want to change the leaderboard, or the layout of the /ar check command. Well that's done here!
afk integration
Values: [true/false]
By default, Autorank will detect if a user is AFK. If a user is detected to be AFK, Autorank will not count the time they are online (while being AFK) as play time. When this option is set to false, Autorank will ignore AFK time and always count online time as play time. If you set this option to true, you will need Statz for it to work.
use partial completion
Values: [true/false]
Normally when a player chooses a path, he can complete requirements one by one. Let's say you have 4 requirements, a player can complete the first requirement, log off, come back after a while and complete the second requirement, etc. Most of the time, this is the behavior you want. However, if you don't want that and only allow players to complete a path when they meet all requirements at the same time, set this to false.
interval check
Values: any positive integer
Autorank will check every x minutes whether a player meets his requirements. This option allows you to change the interval between which Autorank will check.
use time of
This option is not used anymore! If you want to use time data of another plugin, use the /ar migrate command to import data!
leaderboard layout
Values: any string
Here you can change the layout of the leaderboard. Parameters you can use:
&r : Ranking in the leaderboard
&p : Player name
&m : Minutes (with full days and full hours not counted)
&h : Hours (with full days not counted)
&d : Days
&tm : Total amount of minutes
&th : Total amount of hours
leaderboard length
Values: any positive integer
This option is used to control the number of players the leaderboard will show.
check command layout
Values: any string
You can change the layout of the /ar check command. Parame;ters you can use:
&p: name of the player
&time: time played by the player
&path: path the player chose
&reqs: requirements the player has to complete
SQL options
Whether Autorank should connect to a SQL database
Whether to use SSL on your connection or not.
Hostname (including your port)
Username to use for authentication
Password to use for authentication
Name of the database to store Autorank's table in
table prefix
Prefix to use for your Autorank tables
server name
Name of this server instance that is used in the database. You can use the %ip%, %port% and %name% variables.
advanced dependency output
Values: [true/false]
When this is set to true, Autorank will display what third party plugins it found at startup.
show help command based on permission
Values: [true/false]
When this is set to true, Autorank's help pages will only show commands that a player can perform (i.e. has the permission for). If set to false, /ar help will show all commands (even though you might not be able to perform them).
use debug
Values: [true/false]
Sometimes Autorank does not do whatever you want it to do. Turning on debug will let Autorank output many debug messages that might be helpful. Generally, you don't have to touch this option.
show warnings
Values: [true/false]
Autorank is quite smart. It can detect when some things are not going like they should. If you set this option to true, Autorank will tell you when it's detected something weird. It's recommended to keep this on.
use primary group for vault
Values: [true/false]
Autorank uses Vault to detect permission groups that a player is in. Some permissions plugins allow users to be part of multiple groups. When Autorank does not correctly detect the permission groups of a player, you can try switching this option.
broadcast resetting of data files
Values: [true/false]
Autorank keeps track of different time types: it stores data about the total play time of a player, the play time of a week, day and month. Every day/week/month it will reset these files (as they are valid for that time period obviously). When this option is set to true, Autorank will tell all players that are online on the server that the files have been reset.
use global time in leaderboard
Values: [true/false]
If you want to show the global playtime in the leaderboard instead of the local time, set this option to true.
disable automatic path checking
Values: [true/false]
By default, Autorank will automatically check whether a player meets all requirements of their current path. If you do not want Autorank to do that, set this option to false.
automatically archive old data
Values: [true/false]
Autorank will remove play time of players that have not been online for at least 60 days. If you want to keep all the data of all players that ever logged in, turn this option off. Note that this will cause problems when your database becomes too large.
primary storage provider
The primary storage provider determines where the primary data is stored. This can either be 'flatfile' or 'mysql'. When using flatfile, all time data is stored in the local filesystem. If you are using mysql, the time data will still be stored on your local filesystem (but also in the MySQL database). The MySQL database will then take precendence over your local filesystem.
automatically remove backups if older than
How old can backups become Autorank will consider removing them (in days).
Last updated
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