
There are a few results you can use. A detailed list is given on this page.

Send a message to the player

Send a message to the player (only they are able to see it).

Result name: message

You can use the &p to replace it with the name of the player.

Perform a command

Perform a command

Result name: command

You can use the &p to replace it with the name of the player.

Play a client-side effect

Show a particle effect at the player's position

Result name: effect

For a list of effects, see this page.

Teleport the player to a location

Teleport the player to a specific location

Result name: tp

The syntax requires an x, y, z position and a world name. Yaw and pitch are optional.

Play firework at the player's location

Play any type of firework at the player's location

Result name: firework

Types of fireworks can be found here. Colors or RGB can be found here.

Give money

Reward a player with money

Result name: money

You will need to install an economy plugin and Vault.

Last updated